Pick up your FREE copy of our Winter Edition now

Distribution of Kansas Pregame's Winter Sports Preview is nearly complete. Find a complete list of sponsor locations at the end of this article.
Due to a number of technical hiccups, we released the hard copy of our annual Winter Sports Preview later than planned, but that doesn’t mean it’s not still a great idea to head out to one of our many sponsors and get your FREE hard copy today.
Here's a few reasons why:
1. Still plenty of season left to play - While the state's basketball and wrestling teams have completed the pre-holiday break portion of the schedule there's still a large chunk of the season left prior to the late February/early March postseason. With a league-by-league breakdown of basketball across the state and classification breakdowns of wrestling, Kansas Pregame's Winter Sports Preview is a resource for the entire season.
2. The permanence of print - The urgency of the social media age has created almost instant access to information. Looking for a score update or game recap? You can generally find it online with the flick of your thumb. Want to take a look back on a high school sports season 10 years from now? Check out back issues of Kansas Pregame publications.
And someday, years from now, you may want to show your kids or grandkids some of the coverage from your time in high school, and not just featured athletes, but returning starters, contributors, you are all part of a team, and someday remembering that will be important to you, and likely your children.
3. High quality full color keepsake publications - I'm not one to brag, but I'm very proud of the work we do with Kansas Pregame, especially the overall quality of our printed publications. Something like this was not available on the local level when I was playing high school sports and I'm always overwhelmed by the number of compliments we receive on the quality and attractiveness of our magazines. I'm fortunate to work with great writers, photographers and graphic designers who help to pull together my vision for high school sports coverage prior to the start of each season.
I was inspired to start Kansas Pregame in part because of my own love of college football and basketball previews from publishers like Athlon's and Sports Illustrated, but also by then high quality local newspaper previews from the Salina Journal, Hutchinson News and other weekly and daily newspapers in the state. Getting the newest preview issue was always a thrill, and something I've always wanted to provide for the athletes, coaches and parents of Kansas.
With this latest issue I think we've done that, but, I want to be sure it gets into the hands of the people of Kansas who want a hard copy and not just something to look at on their tablet, phone, or laptop.
So, find a complete list of sponsor locations below, and head out to pick up your FREE copy today. AND, thank you so much to the dozens of sponsors who make this coverage possible.
But, for those who prefer to read the magazine on their favorite device, that is also an excellent option. Find it online here: