Winter Is Here!

Welcome to the new Kansas Pregame Winter Sports Preview. After nearly 20 years publishing two small weekly newspapers in Kansas, and 13 years producing the Sunflower State’s only comprehensive statewide high school football preview, my wife, Bree, and I, sold our two weeklies with a goal to make coverage of high school sports in Kansas my career.
The next natural step after producing a Kansas high school football preview magazine is to expand into coverage of basketball and wrestling.
For the last several years I’ve partnered with Linda Denning, publisher of the Ellsworth County Independent-Reporter, to produce a regional basketball preview called Kansas Hardwood. And up until three years ago my company produced Kansas Mat Preview, a statewide wrestling preview. Due to a lack of staff resources and a publication date during one of the busiest times of the year for weekly newspapers - the holiday season - we had to put Kansas Mat Preview on the shelf, but I’ve always remained interested in both basketball and wrestling.
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