Spring Yearbook now online
Featuring basketball, cross country, football, volleyball and wrestling recaps with dozens of team and player pictures
The new Kansas Pregame Spring Edition, featuring the first ever spring yearbook with postseason coverage of basketball, cross country, football, volleyball and wrestling, in honor of the Class of 2020's lost senior year, is now online.
"I am so proud of this Spring Edition," publisher John Baetz said. "It took much longer to complete than anticipated and required contributions from a number of people across the Sunflower State, but it was well worth it."
Now that the digital edition is online, the hard copy could take much of June to deliver thanks to coronavirus restrictions.
"We appreciate your patience as we work to get hard copies distributed statewide in these challenging times," Baetz said. "We also appreciate the patience of the spring sports athletes, parents and coaches as we worked to expand the product. This special edition should provide a high-quality look back at cherished sports memories for years to come."
Check out the new Spring Edition, now featuring the first ever Spring Yearbook, online here: