Prep Power Index now updated with quarterfinal results

The Prep Power Index is now updated with quarterfinal playoff results.
Find the rankings at this link ( or choose a specific classification from the Prep Power Index drop down from the primary navigation bar below the website header.
The PPI ranks teams according to their PPI rating calculated using a number of factors. The PPI also includes the overall points for (PF) and points allowed (PA) and the strength of schedule rating and schedule rank.
For nearly 20 years, then Salina Journal sportswriter Tim Hostetter used his Prep Power Index to provide a computer based ranking of high school football teams in Kansas. This unique ranking system not only tries to establish who the top teams are in Kansas, but also considers a number of factors to determine each team's strength of schedule.
After relocating to Kansas City in 2020, Hostetter made the hard decision to take a break from the site and after a year off Kansas Pregame is picking up where Hostetter left off.
With the help of former Sixteen 60 Publishing Co. graphic designer Kayla Kvacik and current Kansas Pregame staff writer Keegan McCullick, PPI will update rankings for the six 11-Man and two 8-Man classifications in Kansas each week.
For more about Prep Power Index visit this link: